
Ready to ruin your life? Here are 10 easy steps to make it miserable. How many of these disaster-inducing habits have you mastered?

Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one’s own sunshine. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Can It Be More Miserable?

Absolutely! There are practically endless methods to make your life less enjoyable. Below, I’ve listed ten highly efficient ways based on lessons learned from various individuals I’ve met.

If you wish to make your life unbearable, you’ll start seeing results within just a few days. Try adopting all these tips, and you’ll soon realize your life will become more miserable.

Curious? Let’s dive in.

1. Let Others Be Responsible for Your Life

Sure, it’s your life. But why take ownership of your happiness? By handing over that responsibility to others, you can make your life far worse.

Here’s how:

Instead of saving money, spend every last penny on the latest gadget. When financial problems arise, blame the government.

  • Instead of choosing healthy food and exercise, indulge in junk food and get mad at your doctor when he can’t magically fix you. Light up a cigarette to manage the stress.
  • Instead of working on yourself and living in the present, stay stuck in overthinking. Blame outside circumstances for your stress because you can’t control your thoughts.
  • Only allow yourself to feel happy if others act as you expect. If you feel down, it’s their fault.

Are you wondering what this looks like in real life? The video below will give you a hands-on example of how best to act around others.

Shifting responsibility is a fantastic first step to ruining your life—it’s easy and takes minimal effort.

2. Deny Reality

You’ve heard stories of people who developed lung cancer from smoking. But don’t worry—some heavy smokers live to be 90. Ignore the facts and assume you’ll be one of the lucky few.

Why stop there? There are plenty of ways to ignore reality. Try obsessively following the news to ensure your outlook on life becomes dark and cynical, making you anxious and distrustful. Or continue doing things that consistently lead you into trouble.

Throw away unopened bills. Don’t bother organizing your debts or tracking your expenses. Don’t realize that you constantly talk about yourself and come across as self-absorbed in conversations.

Stay in your fantasy land and watch your life turn miserable in no time.

3. Take Everything for Granted

That’s right. A tree is just a tree; a bird is simply a bird. A sunset is nothing more than a big ball of gas changing color due to atmospheric conditions. Why do people romanticize such things?

They’ve been around forever, cost nothing, and are not worth your attention. Don’t get caught up in feelings of awe, gratitude, or contentment. Take everything in life for granted, including the people around you. This way, you’ll soon feel empty and dissatisfied, making your life unpleasant.

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. — Elbert Hubbard

4. Focus on What Could Go Wrong

Bad things happen all the time. And plenty of other things can go wrong. You could ignore this—and risk feeling good—or do the smart thing and constantly focus on everything that could fall apart.

  • Your partner could cheat and leave you.
  • Your child could have a terrible accident.
  • You could be diagnosed with a terminal illness.
  • Your house might burn down.
  • You could lose your job.
  • The possibilities are endless…

If you want, you can keep spiraling deeper into misery. I highly recommend it—your life will quickly become a nightmare. You’ll soon realize how fragile life is and how little control you have, creating the perfect environment for daily fear and stress.

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5. Trust No One

If someone is nice to you, assume they’re trying to take advantage of you. If people contribute to society, they think they’re doing it for selfish reasons.

Lose faith in humanity. Say, “The world would be better off without people.” Live in fear, double-lock your doors, and trust no one.

Soon, you’ll feel the tension and paranoia building. You’ll start feeling small, vulnerable, and utterly alone. This is an ideal way to make yourself feel terrible. Your life has never been this dreadful!

6. Always Be Super Serious

Especially at social events, where people like to have fun and talk non-stop about themselves, their troubles, and how tough their lives are. Feel superior and make sure everyone knows it. Say, “Do you even know who you’re talking to?!”

Never laugh too much or show any vulnerability. Only discuss serious topics. Avoid playfulness at all costs—after all, play is for children.

An extended period without play, joy, or light-heartedness will quickly fill your life with stress and anxiety. Perfect for making your existence less enjoyable.

7. Take On Everyone Else’s Problems

Stay alert when you’re around people. When you hear someone talk about a problem, grab hold of it. Maybe you can feel just as miserable as they do. Even better, you might carry their burdens back home with you.

Perhaps you’ll even spend several sleepless nights worrying about problems that aren’t yours. If you can’t create enough drama, seek it out from others.

To feel truly awful, you need problems to wallow in. Finding issues in other people’s lives increases your chances significantly.

8. Create New Problems For Yourself

Exactly. Deny reality (refer to tip #2) and engage in behaviors that worsen your life over time.

  • Neglect your social skills and let your friendships fade away.
  • When your self-esteem starts to plummet, immerse yourself in self-doubt. Lower it further by refusing to set boundaries and allowing others to walk over you.
  • Smoke, drink, or abuse drugs. Skip exercise altogether. Take strong medication for minor pains. Have you got a headache or backache? Always go straight for the painkillers instead of stretching or adopting a healthier diet. Solving your issues meaningfully won’t help you on the path to long-term misery.
  • Consume mainly processed food. Stick to refined grains, sugary snacks, and fried stuff. Avoid fruits and vegetables. This way, you can look forward to various vague health complaints, giving you more reasons to complain about healthcare at parties.
  • Get yourself into debt. Don’t aim for small amounts—go big with tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. Spend your money on status symbols, like a fancy car, a luxurious home, and the latest tech. Or blow it on things that give you a quick high, like alcohol, drugs, and partying.
  • Flaunt all your status-enhancing purchases on social media. After all, your status only matters if others see how well-off you appear.

If you’re feeling stuck, do nothing. You’re on the right track.

There are countless ways to make your life more unbearable. The suggestions above are just a start. Use your creativity and draw inspiration from others.

Plenty of people work tirelessly to make their lives miserable. Learn from them and improve your skills as you go.

It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. — Epictetus

9. Constantly Criticize Yourself

Whatever you do, remind yourself that it’s not good enough. And, more importantly, remember that you are not good enough.

  • Not good enough to be loved.
  • Not good enough to deserve success.
  • Not good enough to have a fulfilling life.

Hold onto these beliefs tightly. Feel small and worthless. You’ll soon notice these thoughts solidify in your mind and honestly believe them. You’ve never felt so low!

A lone figure with shattered mirrors, symbolizing self-criticism and judgment.

10. Condemn Everyone Around You

Recognize that no one measures up. Everyone has flaws. Focus exclusively on these shortcomings. Bad-mouth your best friends, take them for granted, and tear them down at every opportunity.

You will feel superior, and your friends will gradually distance themselves from you. Perfect—because without friends, your life will be guaranteed to be much more miserable.

Misery Made Simple!

You alone control how enjoyable or unbearable your life is. The steps above will help you quickly spiral downward.

Before you know it, you’ll be in therapy, weighed down by debt, on antidepressants, seeing a psychiatrist, friendless, stressed, with zero confidence, and a host of vague, chronic issues.

But I Want a Better Life!

Thank goodness! I enjoy writing about that more and am much better at it. Here are two quick tips:

  1. Read this article with tips to help you climb back up.
  2. Sign up for the newsletter for weekly inspiration to keep you on the path toward a more fulfilling life.

Every day, you can choose to move upward or downward. You may not always control what happens, but you can always control how you react.

Some people cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go. — Oscar Wilde

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